Based Money Finance
Based Money Finance is an algorithmic stable coin protocol pegged 1:1 to USDbC (Bridged USDC) on BASE network. Our protocol uses three tokens (BASED, BSHARE, BBOND) to incentivize a stable 1:1 peg to USDbC.
The protocol's underlying mechanism dynamically adjusts BASED's supply, pushing its price up or down relative to the price USDbC. This should be $1 however there may be times where USDbC loses its peg and if our protocol is functioning as intended will follow USDbC to keep pegged 1:1 to it.
What differentiates $BASED from other algorithmic tokens?
Based Money believes in the potential of the brand new chain BASE, and has chosen to align its mission to both provide value to and derive value from the BASE network. Based Money will be a using unique, decentralized approach to the BOND token that previous Tomb/Seigniorage projects have not explored.
Disclaimer & Terms
Based Money is not an investment product, it is an experimental decentralized application. Do your own research before joining Based Money. Investing in defi protocols is risky and may result in monetary loss. By using Based Money, you agree that the Based Money's team is not responsible for any financial losses from investing in Based Money nor do we promise any valuable returns now or in the future. You also accept and acknowledge that any application, smart contract or service available in the Based Money ecosystem and its terms, offering, rules or structure may change or end at any time for any reason. Based Money does not operate or control the contracts on the blockchain of this protocol, these are open and permissionless and we are unable to stop anyone from using the protocol directly from the blockchain. In using these contracts you acknowledge that you understand this and are complying with the laws of your local jurisdiction.
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